Monday 22 August 2011

Committed To Edward Norton's Girlfriend Of Six Years

She let out a deep sigh, good. Edward Norton is in fact involved.

The Oscar-nominated actor popped the question to his long term girlfriend, producer Shauna Robertson, three weeks ago in India, according to the New York Post.

The 41 year old actor and his fiancée, who is associated with producing flicks like "Superbad," "Knocked Up" and "Pineapple Express" has been together for six years.

Norton dated Courtney Love prior three years, and Salma Hayek for four years. Despite the commitment to courtship and Robertson Norton first appeared more than a long series of monogamous this is likely to be overwhelming the heart of Mrs. Norton aspirants from all over the world.

Norton ex-flame, love, commitment, the Post said Norton, "Wow, this is a matter of time.'s 41, have been together for six years. You have to have children. I wonder what kind of ring that has ? I bought a ruby. "

So raises the pot, Courtney. We hope that Norton has not been in the doghouse with his wife-to-be for less than a stone killer.

Norton and Robertson are the founders of Crowdrise, the site of charity fundraising is trying to raise $ 1 million in aid from Japan to the family Ogawa. More information about

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